There are two kinds of Americans: There are people who call themselves Americans, but they are not patriots because they have been programmed to think patriotism is racist and nativist. They really want the world to give up borders and national identities, to meld into a global community of atheist humanists. They greedily accept the benefits of our American freedoms, our wealth and advanced educational opportunities, but when asked to be self-sufficient, to take responsibility for their own decisions, they suddenly backpedal into a womb of comfort and dependency. They claim to aspire to the same ideals of liberty and freedom, but most of them avoid joining our armed forces or become police officers.
Then there are people who have always believed in, and still believe in, the principles and practices of our Constitutional Republic, our unique American heritage and will gladly give their life to protect and promote the continuity of our Judeo-Christian values. They avoid asking for help, they innovate and invent, they find solutions instead of asking for support. They believe it is better to teach a person how to fish than to give them a fish when they need help. So they are on one hand independent and on the other hand compassionate.
If we took a poll we would find our nation is evenly divided, about half real patriots and half counterfeit patriots. In fact, the 2020 election proved this is true. The real patriots want to review evidence of voting irregularities, to assure the integrity of everyone's vote, while the counterfeit patriots suggest anyone who thinks there were anomalies is a delusional "election denier" and a threat to "Our Democracy".
The difference is if you really cared about our American sovereignty and the sanctity of one-man-one-vote, you would encourage any effort to demonstrate the security and authenticity of our voting system, especially in an era of digital insecurity and the lack of privacy, we all suffer from the ubiquity of the internet of things.
Any real patriot invites scrutiny to assure integrity. That is a fundamental rule of good business practices and efficiency.
Each side is passionate. But the counterfeit patriots always seem to need to redistribute wealth to themselves. No matter what the controversy is about, they redirect the conversation to make it about economic fairness and Republican selfishness. They have no reservations about confiscating other people's property to make things fairer. It is never the other way around. They believe in taxation as a tool to achieve "Social Justice" but never volunteer to pay more than their assessed taxes. They rarely donate to charities and often flaunt their own wealth while simultaneously mocking rich people who disagree with them politically. And they steadfastly refuse to investigate corruption.
ObamaCare, the trademark legislation of the Obama Era, forced people to buy a government approved product. The penalty was a fine if you failed to comply. They go after anyone that accumulates what they consider "too much" money, and find ways to divest them of their wealth. The Democcult controlled Congress passed a $1.4 trillion Omnibus Spending bill in 2020 that redistributed billions of taxpayer funds, none of which went to retire one penny of the $26 trillion debt. We are printing money that has no real value anymore, and then handing it out to keep the people complacent and to promote allies who spend it with our transnational industries that are hiding their profits overseas to avoid massive corporate taxes.
It is really a giant ponzi scheme, where millions of counterfeit patriots invest large portions of their income on 50 million to 1 gambits. They are the Biden supporters that continue to trust Democcult politicians to manage our nation's finances. They have never encountered a problem more of your money won't solve.
Have you experienced this asymmetrical dynamic in your life? There is always someone that will shamelessly ask you for help: Help with bills, with taxes, rent, or getting a new phone. It is always something you have that they think they should have, but they have a litany of reasons why they don't. You are willing to help, but when you come up with a savings plan, or suggestions about how they can earn more money, they ignore you and start all over with their diatribe about how unfair things are.
This kind of personal anecdotal experience is a minor microcosm of what happens in the political world of Washington, or around the world in the United Nations or any massive government system. It is a classic conundrum and the irony is it is the Democcults that promote unity and a global one-world utopian dream while simultaneously exempting their constituents from any responsibility to contribute to the effort. Instead, they celebrate the idea of no nations, no walls, no police, just peace and harmony and equanimity everywhere. They are the ones that continually plead for more money no matter what the problem is. In their world, there are more than enough resources to go around, so if we just stop some people from hoarding, we can achieve nirvana.
In Sacramento, the Capital of Calenzuela, the police just issued a warning to a local Target Store: Stop calling the police when you get robbed or we will have to fine you. We don't have the resources to fight crime, at least not when the victim is rich enough to own theft insurance.
The Progressive Promiseland would make everyone comfortable, so there would be no crime or injustice.
No hunger or poverty, and no restrictions on freedoms, so everyone can live the way they want to. This would be the best kind of freedom because there would be no disparity, we would all have everything we need, so we would be free of anxiety and hatred.
The irony is that they ignore the need to work. A wealth of resources does not grow like weeds. When they paint their picture of what paradise looks like, no one is working. We would all spend our time playing video games, skateboarding or smoking weed. In their world, doctors would perform surgery for free, because they too would have a car to drive, an apartment to go home to and food on the table.
What more do you want?
Of course they haven't determined just where the cars would come from, or who would design and build the apartments and grow, harvest and process the food supply. Or who would train those surgeons. We can put our heads together and figure that out after Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos turn over their $100 billion fortunes. After all the greedy Republicans forfeit their inherited wealth, their 401K's and their stock portfolios, the government will write a bill to make it all work.
So I ask you, what do you say to your acquaintances that are so helpless? Those that turn to collectivism to fix everything, to make everyone comfortable, to protect them and to provide for them? They are your relatives, your friends and neighbors and you hold no animosity towards them, but it does seem predictable that in the end, they are going to impose some guilt trip on you, or through their alliance with government, force you to fork over an even larger portion of your paycheck or to think twice about how you speak, so as to not put them on the defensive or somehow offend them.
How do you handle your fellow citizens when they consistently put you in a position of submission to their demands?
This is not a healthy relationship. This community relationship is toxic because your faith and trust in them is being abused and used against you. It is in fact untenable because patriots cannot continue to provide and submit to never ending demands that can never be satiated. You cannot make it work, cannot make them happy, no matter how hard you try. No matter how much you give up trying to achieve utopia, it is never enough.
This is the New Plantation and patriots are by nature unwilling to be subjugated.
This kind of systemic codependency is slavery. So the time is coming when we have to confront these leeches. As a host, your blood supply is limited. We either demand they take responsibility for themselves or we will have to appoint ourselves as their caretakers, because they simply use people and resources with no regard for the time and effort it takes to replenish their debt.
This is the situation Donald Trump was confronted with in 2016. America was in many ways confronting a new civil war over slavery. One portion of our community is enslaving the other portion by default. By simply refusing to carry their own weight and replacing the plantation owner with a bureaucracy that depends on taxpayers to feed and house them, to provide for their retirement, and to comply with their regulatory demands to make everyone feel safe and complacent.
Remember, it was the Democrats that favored slavery. They relished having a population that served their every need. At that point in history it was the unfortunate members of the black race imported from Africa, so they justified the inhumanity by internalizing a rational that those people were not equal in their humanity. That they were essentially animals to be used to plow the fields.
Now they have shifted that racist notion to conservative "Make America Great Again" white supremacist "extremists".They are not willing to accept the terms and conditions of "Our Democracy" so it is OK to characterize us as less than human. To use any means possible to reduce us to slaves on their plantation.
Black Progressives demand:
Repatriation payments of up to $100K per white person
Preferencial advancements in business, academia and entertainment
Elimination of all cultural memorializations of slave owners
The Democcults have groomed a generation of gullible, misinformed and dependent millennials to accept their fate as victims of a poor economy, of a systemic racist society, and of exploitative corporations. They have used all of their resources to reinforce that narrative: They use the union controlled school system, the unionized unskilled employment sectors in the auto industry, in the transportation, entertainment and public services industries, and through a constant barrage of negative media brainwashing, the Democcult Media Bully Machine manages the mindset of the masses.
This is essentially Trump's Crucible because the social and political order he inherited is the antithesis of the original design of a democratic republic, where the workers are the producers and they tell the plantation managers, our elected governors, what to do, not the other way around.
In the Progressive Promiseland scenario, the Democcults are a Union of Workers that don't really work, they just get low tech desk jobs paid for by the taxpayers, and the workers, the producers, the entrepreneurs and innovators, are used to working the fields to provide for the bureaucrats. With massive consolidation pressed by digital connectivity, by automation and transnational control of the means of production, the bureaucrats can run the plantation, placate the masses with drugs and entertainment, and establish a whole New World Order.
The brash builder that came into office on a wave of optimism and enthusiasm, who stunned the pessimistic plantation owners by resurrecting the flat Obama economy, by reordering the one-sided international trade status, by rebuilding an aging and deteriorating military, and by infusing a renewed sense of patriotism and energy in the majority of real American patriots, would eventually learn to recognize that the plantation owners were steadfast and resistant to change. Like the Southern Democrat Confederate Nation of 1865, he was up against a deep state of hard core slave owners that were not going away without a decisive victory by the Union Army. Donald Trump would have to preside over another insane battle between Americans with strong allegiances to their occult ideology.
That was 2016.
Now millions of Trump supporters have witnessed the enormity of the resistance. The fact that at least half of the population is willing to give away their freedom, their sovereignty and their dignity, in exchange for security and entertainment. That at least half of the public service population, the administrative, academic, and financial state, the medical, service and legal industries, all are convinced that they will be exempted from all of the inherent regulations and controls that must be imposed to achieve the kind of homogeneous state of human existence the New World Order will require.
This is nearly the exact same situation Abe Lincoln confronted after his election.
He said unequivocally that the conflict in America was not about slavery, but about the Union. Trump's Crucible is not about a conflict in management styles, or a cultural revolution. It is about the idea of freedom and if it is going to survive or not. It will be a conflict over whether the idea, a chalice molded out of sacrifice, could contain the element of self governance and not be upset by the restive nature of man and the unrelenting pressure to follow the path of least resistance.
Lincoln was heavily criticized for not recognizing the immorality of slavery and that servitude was what drove white men to give their lives for the chance to never have to work again. But Lincoln knew none of that would mean anything if the Nation collapsed and the only thing driving men to war was a selfish desire. He reckoned that the inner need for self direction, for personal and community sovereignty, and faith in a greater authority pushing mankind to do the right thing, was the real motivation for men to destroy themselves and their families. Think about it, why did the Union soldier march into certain death? What was in it for him?
Lincoln doubled down on the concept of Liberty, and that it applied to all mankind, regardless of their skin tone or origin. In effect, that is the conundrum confronting Trump's potential to resurrect his Presidency, to regain the support of the majority of Americans, and eventually to regain the allegiance of the United States Military.
As I listen to the various political pundits most agree that the problem is Republicans "don't make their case". FOX business analyst Larry Kudlow said they are very poor at spelling out their plans. His on-air guest, billionaire Steve Forbes, advised Republican House Members "don't just talk about a balanced budget. Talk about making America's economy strong again. Say something positive."
Where are these folks living? Have they forgotten, or did they sleep through what happened in 2016? Do they have earplugs in when Trump speaks at any one of his dozens of rallies? He made his policies crystal clear before he was elected, and he is making them clear now.
Make America Great Again is a brilliant motto because it tells a simple and yet monumental story in only a few words. It implies that the opposing party doesn't want to be great, has worked to undo America's greatness, and wants you to stop dreaming about being great.
In late 2023, Steve Forbes said the Republicans couldn't settle on a Speaker because "too many don't like what Trump did, though some do". What? If that is true there is no rift in the Republican Party, it's a Grand Canyon. It is no longer the Grand Old Party that elected Donald Trump. Trump drew support from a broad spectrum of disenchanted voters who were tired of the liars in Washington spreading false impressions that Progressive domestic and foreign policies were actually working in America's best interests. The numbers don't lie, so those who "don't like what Trump did" are ignoring the financial data and allowing the internationally controlled media to spread misinformation about Trump's relationships with both foreign and domestic financial leaders.
Remember one small example of how Trump revitalized Obama's stagnant economy: His corporate tax cut repatriated at least $1 trillion of corporate profits that had otherwise been hidden overseas. The benefits of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered taxes on 75% of the lower income brackets and .04% reduction for the highest earners. This was the first time in 31 years that legislation actually cut net taxes for the majority of taxpayers in America.
Trump haters question his leadership skills and claim he embraces dictators. Being a leader amongst legions of authoritarians doesn't require camaraderie or likability. It mostly requires a finely tuned common sense and reverence for the sovereignty of the United States of America. It requires uncanny judgment and, yes, discrimination. The goal is not to make friends, it's to Make America Work Right Again.
Never Trumpers are the true "election deniers" because they refuse to recognize the successes that Trump had in his term. And they refuse to acknowledge the 74 million votes that were counted for him in the 2020 election. There is a clear and powerful element inside the RNC: They never liked Trump, and they still don't, no matter what policies he promotes. So they pretend they can't hear him or the 74 million Republican voters still waiting for Trump's Second Coming.
The 2024 election will demonstrate just how much confidence the average voter has in his management style, but more importantly, in his message: Can he truly Make America Great Again, not just in our communities, but in the eyes of citizens of nations all over the world?
His work is cut out for him. Nevertheless, he will somehow have to overcome the unrelenting bias and hatred distributed throughout the corporate media. He will have to face down Jeff Bezos and his Washington Post, Mark Zuckerberg and his Meta Monsters of Social Media, Bob Iger and his grooming operation called Disney, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, the New York Times, NBC and all of their affiliates, most of the European Press Corps, and many major investment fund owned media networks, as well as everybody deeply imbedded in doing business with the Chinese Communist Party.
Maybe more important and potentially more difficult, will be to reel-in the established RINOs of the Neo Republican Cabal, who absolutely hate Trump because he has, more than any journalist, exposed them as greedy, counterfeit patriots, who have one allegiance, and that is to their legacy as the saviors of the post-Vietnam Military Industrial Complex.
If he can do that, it will be the closest thing to an Act of God ever achieved in American political history.