In many ways, our cultural riptide is mirroring what happened during the final years of the Roman Empire when a young Jewish carpenter roamed the Middle East and spoke of change. He addressed the people by speaking in parables, because the powerful Roman authorities would censor or punish anyone who dared to contradict their dogma.
The Roman Oligarchy owned all of the means of production of food, resources and wealth, and even though many Romans enjoyed opulence, they were still simply peasants in the scheme of things.
Sound familiar?
The Roman Empire was in essence, a massive ponzi scheme, paying off the new and younger workers while stealing wealth from the older ones. The Jewish carpenter was a disrupter, a philosopher that encouraged the people to depend on faith and themselves to cope with the oppression of a Fraternity of Roman Aristocrats.
In so many ways the government of the United States of America, twenty-one hundred years later, is effectively operating a Romanesque ponzi scheme. As we rack up trillions in public debt, and reduce the means of producing wealth to an extremely small segment of society, we are producing a growing dependency class that has no real source of sustenance.
Between the shrinking boomer retirement class, and the growing undereducated, unskilled and demanding millennial class, America is increasingly burdened with low energy, unproductive but highly needy people. And we are not alone. This generational conundrum is occurring all over the world.
When a New York premier property developer came along in 2016, and decided he could become President by telling people the truth about the ponzi scheme the Washington Aristocracy was operating, he became the New Jesus.
Instead of parables, he used Twitter to get his message out. With 66 million followers, he had amazing influence and reach. He spoke in a plain and simple language that resonated with millions of Americans wondering what ever happened to the future they were promised as grandkids of the Greatest Generation?
Donald John Trump exposed the GroupThink and DoubleSpeak of the Washington Fraternity. He demanded the simplification of regulations, decentralized control, and a reprioritization of international relations and trade agreements that were making life in America much harder than it needed to be.
He said, "We can Make America Great Again, but only through me." He said "Forget the Democrat Crime Family, forget the Old Guard Republicans for they have both forsaken you. They have used you and stolen your souls. They are too deep into their own vices to ever give back the treasures they have stolen."
"Working together, in our own factories and on our own farms, we can restore the promise of America, of the Beacon On The Hill that President Ronald Reagan described. We can make America great again!"
The people rallied around him, they went back to work, they started new businesses, restored their communities, manufacturing facilities and their trade channels, And the country was booming! America was on the rise once again!
But just as they promised, the lost souls of selfishness and sin, the criminal Beltway Brotherhood began to fight back. They formed a fraternity. Working together they besmirched The Disruptor's character, claimed he was a traitor, framed him with innocuous crimes, and threatened to nail him to a proverbial cross. They 'F'd' him because he was a lethal threat to their Fraternity of Liars.
And then pestilence and disease struck the entire planet. And the forces of evil embraced Viral Creatures as a tool to undo the good that the Man From New York had wrought. The Corona19 virus served the devilish purpose of dividing the people, instilling fear, undermining their sources of income and commerce, and stirring up hatred. It pitted young against old, sick against healthy, nation against nation. All of the people's attention was drawn away from their progress towards self-sufficiency, and it was redirected back to the Fraternal Empire that would promise to save them from disease and bankruptcy, as long as they rejected the New Jesus and returned to a state of compliance and conformity.
The Fraternity of Liars said, "Don't listen to the Man From New York, because you need us to provide a vaccine, to distribute public money to save you from ruin. He is the Prophet of Death. Trust us to lead you into a Field of Plenty and Tranquility."
But the Man From New York continued to attract followers. The Beltway Brotherhood knew it was time to solidify their crown, to rig the elections, to fortify their power and to shut down the social media megaphone the Man From New York was using to "lie" to the people. And when they did that, and when the people objected to a corrupted election and rushed the Pantheon, the Fraternal Empire found their excuse to nail him to the cross of the Fraternal Brotherhood of Washington DC.