The Common Element
The idea that a person can be programmed to perform a specific act, at a specific moment, when triggered by a specific queue, has been shown to be possible.
What is the thread of commonality running through all of the "Lone Wolf" attacks surrounding high profile public figures? I am talking about the modern era of assassination attempts, bombings, school shootings and kamakazi suicide assaults on public officials, buildings, school children and corporate symbols.
The common denominator is the perps somewhat lonely and cloistered existence. And it would be reasonable to assume from those facts that as relatively young people they most likely have had exposure to online video games. Following that line of thought, I have surmised in previous essays that since video games are a direct product of military experimentation and system development, wouldn't it be reasonable to demand the military reveal all of its intel regarding video game impacts on human brains? We are experiencing a horrific series of deadly military-type suicide missions that are tearing apart the fabric of our free society, so exposing the truth about our own intelligence communities involvement should be Job #1.
It seems relevant to know just where did our military start developing the technology and where has it led them since it's inception.
If we really want to understand this grisly phenomenon, perhaps we should be looking at our own special programs designed to alter normal human behaviors.(4) (5) Programs like MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird and Bluebird. Those are the documented programs. What we should investigate is the clandestine operations being kept secret.
Why is it important?
First, we know the video game industry was a spinoff of the specialized use of video to desensitize young soldiers from the instinct to run and hide from immediate deadly fire in combat situations. New recruits were given hours of exposure to intense reality warfare video, designed to impart quick decision making, precise weapons handling, and the ability to overcome normal and often debilitating emotional reactions to horrible mutilation and death from enemy fire.
During a period of shortages of highly trained personnel during the Vietnam War, Army and Marine needs for reinforcements in the field were outrunning resources. Military leaders discovered a new way to train young men without the usual time demands. Classroom training took on a whole new dimension, allowing new recruits to be shipped out and put into combat situations in a very short time.(1)
And we know it worked. But the side effects of the psychological imprinting (PTSD, inability to stop reoccurring nightmares, severe guilt, and dangerous hyper aggressive actions) were, and still are, destroying lives.
Later the commercialization of video technology, delivered to its youthful audience by way of video tape, then exploded exponentially with the ability to deliver it online, giving birth to an enormous new world-wide, interactive entertainment industry.
In recent years the video gaming industry generates more annual revenue than film and music industries combined. Games like Grand Theft Auto, Doom and Combat Arms celebrate and glamorize extreme violence and reward players for killing their opponents.
There have been dozens of studies and legislative efforts to control the emotional and psychological impact of the increasingly violent content, but the revenue growth indicate those efforts have failed miserably.
While the destructive nature of watching incessant images of death and destruction is hotly debated, there are other nefarious applications for video "game" psychological programming that the public has never been informed about: Using processes developed by the CIA to control the mind of an agent of deception. To turn spies against their sponsors or to use a domestic, even friendly agent to do something they would normally never do. The idea that a person can be programmed to perform a specific act, at a specific moment, when triggered by a specific queue, has been shown to be possible. (2)
The 1962 film The Manchurian Candidate explored the concept of programming an otherwise "normal" politician to turn into a mindless killing robot, seemed rather far fetched at the time. (3)
Not anymore.
The few mass killers who survived their crimes can never explain the "voices" in their head, or their compulsion to butcher their victims. They never show remorse, but do sometimes wonder why they are so insensitive and have vast memory voids.
But here is another twist no one is talking about: What if, while playing video games online with partners (friends, known and unknown), a surreptitious agent with ulterior motives, could hack the connection, then interject some subliminal messaging into the mind of one or more of the unknowing players?
What if those innocent video game players were then later, subjected to even more extensive mind control programming, and then when appropriate, sent out into their assignment, totally unaware that they have been 'brainwashed"?
This kind of human exploitation would have enormous benefits for agencies that want to interject False Flag or PsyOp events:
(Psyops: "The integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own). (Wikipedia)
Citizens performing certain types of disruptive, criminal events or operations that cannot be explained or properly resolved. In many cases the operatives die immediately after performing their duties, making it much harder to trace their connections to organizers. (4)
Looking at their records is a dead end road because they all led normal lives. Most are considered exceptional students or business owners, or good citizens with family and community connections. Which would fit nicely with MK Ultra requirements, because the most successful recruits who later became useful surrogates, are typically highly intelligent individuals.
In the most recent events (the near-miss assassination attempt on Trump, the murder of the UnitedHealthCare executive), nothing makes sense: the suspects have no history of violence. In the case of school and church shooters, most were considered "good guys" and their closest friends and relatives could not believe they could murder anyone. Same with the Las Vegas mass murderer, who committed the largest killing spree in American history. None of the motives made any sense whatsoever.
If some agency wanted to create social and cultural chaos, wouldn't it be cost effective and incredibly convenient to find your potential surrogates online? Where you would have access to their data and minds without their knowledge? It would be essentially untraceable and leave no forensic evidence? And, better yet, their services would be absolutely free? (5)
(1) (
(2) (
(4) U.S Psychological Warfare and Civilian Targeting.
(5) Hostile Influence and Emerging Cognitive Threats in Cyberspace